Structural and Building Services
Local Government Engineering Services offers a range of structural and building services for residential, commercial and industrial developments. Here are some examples of completed projects.
Structural Design
Residential boutique B&B - Structural design of portal frame structure.
Guyra Shire Council - Structural design and certification of alterations to Council Administration Centre and Library.
Department of Education and Training - Structural design and certification of alterations to Sinclair Place School.
Harvey Norman - Structural design and certification of a new department store in Inverell.
Symes Bus Service - Structural design and certification of a portal frame building for bus depot development.
Central Plaza - Structural design and certification of alterations for commercial development in Inverell CBD.
Moree Plains Shire Council - Structural design of new Tourist Information Centre.
Building Management and Structural Inspections
NSW Department of Community Services - Structural inspections and coordination of mechanical, electrical and hydraulic services for office development in Glen Innes.
Big W - Structural and civil inspections of a major shopping complex development in Inverell CBD.
Dan Murphys - Structural and civil inspections for a retail store in Port Macquarie CBD.
Woolworths - Structural and civil inspections of extensions to Inverell Woolworths supermarket.